I'm still a newbie - don't leave yet Mr. Flipper. We need you!
The Missus
JoinedPosts by The Missus
Reasons For My Not Posting Much Here Now
by flipper innot that i really owe an explanation for anything to anybody.
or if anybody is that concerned .
i understand and respect that simon had to do what he had to do - for reasons he explained.
by Bring_the_Light inif you are within, car, plane, bus or boat distance of minneapolis.
pm me!!!
(or respond here).
The Missus
hey Gopher - sorry I'm new to this, but where are you guys meeting up? kinda interested
by Bring_the_Light inif you are within, car, plane, bus or boat distance of minneapolis.
pm me!!!
(or respond here).
The Missus
anybody have plans to meet up soon in the mpls area?
worst Bookstudy book
by darth frosty inwhat is the book you liked the least studying at the bookstudy?
for me it was the isaiah books.
side question which book did you like the best?
The Missus
The Revelation book for sure. Our book study conductor would go on and on and on how bad the GT was going to be (in some detail) and I would leave sick to my stomach with worry
Who's The Best Talk Show host of All Time?
by minimus ini have to say it was johnny carson.
merv griffin always seemed weird to me.
dick cavett looked uncomfortable.. i loved arsenio hall.
The Missus
Conan is the best. Went to one of his shows last year and kinda wished I didn't. It took alot of the glitz and glam away. But I still love him
What Do You Like Least About The JW Religion?
by minimus infor me, i think it's that they are 100% intolerant.
even if they are espousing an erroneous view and it is pointed out to them why they are incorrect, you would be "running ahead" if you still did not support the error until they state that a change in viewpoint has been made!
The Missus
I used to like it when snafus came up--no one shows up, it suddenly gets wet or snowy, someone has a Big Mac attack or gets tired, letting the heat out of the car so people take longer to warm up, someone gets stung by a bee, or poor organization. Not when things went as planned.
Brings back memories of pioneering. I loved it when we'd get stuck in the snow out in rural territory or get lost
Watchtower Blood Component/Fraction Deception
by jwfacts inthe watchtower attempts to create a semblance of logic to its allowance of blood fractions by presenting the concept that blood consists of four primary "components".
use of these components are unchristian.
these components can be broken into "fractions", which are acceptable to use.
The Missus
Hoohaahaaa!! ROFL
Thanks unconfused - needed that laugh!
Brief Story of Leaving the JWs
by Shepherd Book inmy wife posted her story of how she came to leave the religion: http://mamablogess.blogspot.com/
The Missus
I just finished reading Jennifer's story and I felt like I was reading my own biography. Even though I have been inactive for a few years now, and doubt it is the true religion, I still have fears of Armageddon. I remember talks about armageddon and the great tribulation at the meetings and just feeling sick to my stomach and crying my eyes out in the car afterwards because I knew I wasnt strong enough to make it. I hope I can get to the point where I can put this behind me and move on with my life as you have. SB - please convey to Jennifer my thanks for posting her blog and big thanks to you for posting your letters and for sharing this on the JWD site.
New light!!
by karter inwell the light just keeps getting brighter and brighter yesterday my stepson and his wife told me they will be having very limited association with me due to some new light at the dc .
why did'nt they tell me this before i did 2 weeks work on there house for free!!!!!!!!!
The Missus
Does anyone know if this new flickering bulb refers to just the df'd? Or to everyone that's stopped participating?
Apparently it includes everyone that doesn't go to meetings since i'm not df'd
New light!!
by karter inwell the light just keeps getting brighter and brighter yesterday my stepson and his wife told me they will be having very limited association with me due to some new light at the dc .
why did'nt they tell me this before i did 2 weeks work on there house for free!!!!!!!!!
The Missus
I knew something must be going on - My sister called me last night out of the blue to tell me she can't associate with me anymore (I haven't been to meetings in 5 years). I left my door open to her though - I told her I would always be here for her, no matter what. I guess there's not much more I can do.